Deafness is a condition where the ability to detect certain sound frequencies is partially or completely impaired. Our experts specialize in performing Cochlear Implant (CI) Surgeries on patients who are profoundly deaf or hard of hearing. Cochlear Implants are primarily designed to mimic natural hearing. Often referred to as bionic ear, it works by using special technologies to take the place of non-working parts in the ear.
TAdenoids are small lumps of lymphoid tissue located posterior to the nasal cavity, in the roof of the nasopharynx, where the nose blends into the throat. They play a major role in younger children helping them fight ear, nose and throat infections.
After 3 years of age they are no longer needed. Adenoids generally reach their maximum size when your child is between three to five years of age and then begin to shrink by age seven and can hardly be seen in the late teens. Due to infections, adenoids swell up and block the nose which can sometimes lead to breathing problems during sleep. It can also be a major cause of snoring.
The ENT Department of RJ Supar Speciality Hospital has advanced facilities for critical care and also round-the-clock visits by doctors to resolve sensitive issues.
In its initial stage, adenoids are treated using various antibiotics. However, they do not provide much relief if the infection is very serious and chronic. The doctors are then left with the option of removal of adenoid glands. This procedure is known as adenoidectomy.
Adenoidectomy – Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids, which helps get rid of the symptoms permanently, while antibiotics provide temporary relief and cannot be used for long-term treatment.